HAPPY 2009!

Yeah for another New Year... and I couldn't have celebrated it better... well.... if I had a million dollars and took some amazing trip somewhere, that would be pretty cool... yeah!  but really, it was a great night! I had some close friends over to hang out if they had nothing better to do.... and I had many that had something better to do... come hang out with ME!!!  heehee

We started off with dinner.... throughout the night, went through 12 boxes of pizza!!! YUM!  Played some games.... and then decided one by one to go play out in the snow... "what are we going to do?" .... we played ultimate frisbee to start off with... in 3 feet of snow.... :)  oh it gets better..............................................
Crazy fun group... who love "light up " ultimate tackle!
Sheena thought I was going to throw snow in her face....
Rana catching some action......
Tyler getting a take down.........

Carl and Abby.... I think the frisbee was 20 feet away, but still decided to take her down! ;)
Rana Mahmood!!
Nikki Reed..  i think she fell down in this one.....
Ok... you ready for this?  This is one of the teams to ANOTHER game we decided to play............... RED ROVER!!!
Let me just say..... YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD TO PLAY THESE GAMES!!  They just get better!
Team #2 - You're going down!!!  
Snow Crew!  Only people who didn't come out were mainly the Pregos!  We had two of them! :)

This was the Hot Tub after games, to warm up.... only problem is this is a 6 person Hot Tub!   It over flowed... blew a circuit, which made the heater go off.... so it got cold pretty quick :(  The only way to possibly fix it was for someone to go through the 3 feet of snow under the deck in their swimsuit and flip the breaker....  No one had the guts!  But we enjoyed while it lasted....
Patrick and Nikki Reed

Nikki and Bethy
Footsy anyone
Sheena and Rana..... a couple of evil eyes!
or Creepy eyes?!
Bethy and I waiting for the countdown!
Marissa (and baby Wyatt)!!
Toby getting tired
Happy New Year! 

It was so much fun... pretty much everyone stayed the night... we got up and had a great breakfast!  Then we kicked them all out so we could get on the road to Wenatchee... (next Blog to come!)  I'm on a roll!  :)


Sheena (DUR) said...

What a great way to end a great year! Good people, good food, stupid fun...love that!

Tiffany said...

Looks like a blast! I LOVE that you guys played Red Rover! I almost forgot about that one but now I really want to play it!!!

Michael W. Bergquist said...

Happy New Year. Sounds like your party was better than mine. When you gonna go running with me?

jessithompson said...

Love all the fun in the snow... looks like you guys had a great time! :)