Team DurBubbs

My friend Sheena (Dur) had made an awesome suggestion to do the run for me, in the Spring Thaw Duathlon II that I had signed up for... as I had hurt my foot and was not ready to run on it.  We put on our Team DurBubbs jersey that we had bought last year in our first team Duathlon together, which is funny, cause she was on crutches from hurting her foot, and was not ready to do a run, so she did the bike and I ran for her.  Well, here we are again... it was a great race, but SO HOT!  I think I used most of my water to dump on my neck to keep me cool.  The course was great... with the wind against me the first half, I was keeping at a slower pace of 15mph...but at the turn around I had a little more kick in the rear and was happy to be heading back... I got up the last "hill" and kicked in some serious gear and kept an average of 24mph (I know!!!) but here's the catch...I knew I did not have to run when I get back.  Great race!  Yeah for Team DurBubbs... I'm Bubbs by the way! :)

LILAC century 50!

This was a very intimidating day for me!  
             For I have never done any bike ride longer then 22 
miles.  And the fact that I have put myself in a Aircast with the possilble stress fracture to my foot from limping on my knees from the River Run prior to that week... it only raised my nerves up a little more. However, I was anxious to be able to accomplish doing this ride... not knowing how long it would actually take me...I was excited enough to get it done!  Not to also mention talking my sister in-law and her friend to come up from Wenatchee to join me on this ride... but I only lost them within the first 2 minutes along with everyone else, except for my good old friend Megan...who was patient enough to hang with me...:)  but also the only other one out of shape out of the group.  It was tough!!  

It seemed like it went on forever ....and having to do a loop around... and hitting that ONE HILL!!! Ugh... at the end all I really wanted to do was CRY, cause I hurt so bad.... but it was so REWARDING!  I'm glad I did it...and because I did that, I feel like any other miles I do on my bike are nothing! 
The next day, I ended up catching the 24 hr. Flu that I had apparently caught from my nephew that body was so tired, it didn't fight it off.  I can still say it was worth it!   

River Run...

This was the first "race" event of my season, and I guess I wasn't to excited about at first... I don't know why, maybe cause I didn't know anyone else doing the race... or maybe cause it was still Freezing outside.  But I got my butt up that morning and slowly got down to the race... I was late and it was snowing!!!  when I pulled up, I was at the far end of the car line... I had nothing on for the race...and had to race down to get my number and swag bag.  As I got out of the car there were two people popping there head out from behind a car... kinda freaked me out.  And then I saw the bald head... It was my friend Sam and Craig... who knew I was doing this race and decided to join me at the last minute.  It got me a little more pumped up... so I got my stuff, put it on and ready to go...ended up waiting 15 minutes before the race would start.  Found a old high school friend, Jaryl who decided to run with the rest of us.  I was kinda put on the spot of people anticipating that I would be like this awesome runner, cause I'm on this Triathlon club... little did they know!  We all did the 10k, I kept a good pace not walking once... Jaryl and Craig picked up the pace, Sam kept a pace off of me as we finished the race together.  My time didn't come out, but I know I did it just a little under an hour.  Not bad for a trail run and first race out....but I will say it will be the LAST trail run I EVER do, as it messed up my knees.  
After the race, I tried to attempt a 50 mile bike ride with a group of people training to do the Seattle to Portland ride.  I got about 81/2 miles out, cramped up and turned around. Only did I become a lifesaver, as I shuttled people back as they got hit by a pretty good snow storm.  Then we went to Applebee's and warmed up to some Yummy food!  Pretty productive day! :)   


I don't normally Blog and I'm not a good writer...but I heard about this Blog-site, and how exciting to find so many people on here. Cool Stuff! I'm a person at loving to try NEW things... so here it goes, this could be fun!