I know!!!.... UGH!

The Holidays have been BUSY...and then again more relaxing maybe more then it should be! I've had a very hard time keeping motivated to want to workout. I have the thoughts and excitements at the wrong time. For example, I'll get excited/motivated to do a workout the next day, and ready to get to it....'untill the time comes down to it...it's not so exciting anymore, and I talk myself out of things like this pretty easily, or other things easily getting in the way of it. Despite the bad weather, I didn't want to go to far at all lately.
Tri-fusion has been my only luck of doing a workout, a "FULL" workout that can give me what I need! So hopefully in the new year, I can keep up, and especially at the moment while the snow and crazy road weather has wore off, I can make the point and comfort to get to more workouts with other great and inspiring athletes!
Thanks to having Sheena, who I can have to join in and join me with any workout.
Thanks this last Thursday, I FINALLY made it to a BAT at the Thompsons and rode for a good hour and 45 min. and to Tiffany who pushed me a nudge to finish a workout that kicked my rear! Thank YOU! These are the things I need to not talk myself so easily out of things. :) And following that, I even made it to the HLR at the Gallaghers'. Had a good hard run with Sheena and then stuffed my face with yummy food. I was STARVING! Thanks to all that put the time, effort and encouragment to set up workouts. Hopefully I can get into the routine to return the favor! Goal right now is to get back into the motivation to get back into the routine of things! and hopefully lose a little more weight. :) If I can stick to a couple of workouts a week and build up from there... still learning how to balance a marriage, a job, the others things I love to do, and driving the distance. I'm still excited and passionate to have this area as a part of my life!

Hope to see all you Trifusions more frequently! LOVES


Michael W. Bergquist said...

Do you need to go for a run? I can come over right now. Two to three minutes and I'll be there.

Michael W. Bergquist said...

OK, I read this post. Time for a new one. It's 1:21 AM on Super Bowl Sunday. I'm coming over to knock on your door to take you running so you have a new story to tell.

Ali Ty Stitt said...

Ha! well if you did, I wasn't even here...I was in CANADA!! but nice try and even if you did you might get a naked man at the door thinking what the heck?

jessithompson said...

Sending you a love and a hug...