A Favorite Moment

After Halloween, a group of us snuck out to our Lake cabin on Roosevelt.  It's one of my favorite times of the season to get out here.  It's beautiful!  The leaves are colorful, the sky has so much character with clouds, the fog, the steam off the lake.
When I'm down on the beach I love to look out at the water as it's so calm and peaceful.  With the light fog the floats above the hills.  It really calms me... and to also see my friends look out the same way I do, I know they feel the same.  I appreciate these moments, and that I can share them with people that I love!
Taking a Walk 
Ty and I down at the water... I'm collecting unique drift wood
Nikki enjoying the Peaceful lake
All the colors so pretty!!!
Beth, Sheena and Nikki playing Hands and Feet - What we do most... eat, sleep and play games!
Joe and Andrew can't take serious pictures
Beth enjoying the beauty out on the water...
Marissa, Beth, Nikki and I
I always end up dressing similar to one of my friends... not kidding!  Here is my twin for the day Marissa!  Love the girl!

1 comment:

Keith and Meghan said...

Love the life update! Looks like you had a fun summer and fall! Hope you are doing well :)