A day at Work...

For my job today, I had to drive my boss to a site inspection in Othello by 8:00am, following that we had to go to Kennewick for a trial by noon. I'm in for a loooooong day!

We start out a 6:30am making perfect time in his nice FAST car, race car addition Audi S4. :) Yes, it's fun... however I like my car better to drive long distances!!! Sooo anyways.... I pulled a mapquest of where we were going, but left it in my briefcase thinking, oh we'll pull it out when we get to "town" of Othello. We get to the main exit to go to Othello, and we see this small factory that looked like it was on fire, it was crazy and full of smelly smoke in the air. We both were hoping that it was getting taken care of.... Huh, well on our way another 20 minutes, we pull up to a gas station in the beginning of Othello and pull out our directions for the final directions to our site inspection. It was called the "Perfect Blend"... I was thinking of like a coffee place or something... I wasn't aware yet of what the accident was about. "Ah, Shit we're screwed" says Rick (my boss) We had 5 min to be at our meeting to do the inspection and we were past it about 20 minutes. We called the guy we were meeting with to let them know and get confirmation on the directions.... What 20 min. back the way we came?... a little factory?... Is this the one that was on fire? We headed back that way, I was hauling butt... and we pull up to our destination, the factory we passed that we thought was on fire was heavy burning steam. And this little Coffee place I thought it was, oh no... it was a Compost of Chicken Manuer processed to sell for fertilizer. Can I just tell you, I have NEVER EVER smelled something so BAD!!! Just stading outside in the open air, I wanted to throw up. Rick didn't seem to bothered, I just thought, he does these kind of things so much it's probably not as bad or he's use to it.??? We get started on the inspection of where an accident occured of a employee getting his foot stuck in a convetor belt for awhile and losing most of his leg. YIKES! So we are going to inspect the area, so forth. We were there for about 45 minutes. I got use to the smell that I could not think about throwing up every other minute. But oh my Goodness, it was horrible! I could taste it in my mouth. And it was everywhere, on the floor, which got on my shoes, falling from the covetor belts on top of my head ( good thing I had a helmet on!) We get done, and I was more anxious to be done. Leaving, I started talking to Rick about how horrible it was... and still smelling it as we got in the car.... At that moment I find something out about Rick, HE CAN'T SMELL anything! As I'm still smelling it, I start to smell my clothes, my hair... DISGUSTING! "I" smelled like CHICKEN SHIT! Our next stop was on our way to Kennewick for a Trial, and good thing my boss had extra clothes to change into, cause he would have stunk up the place! :) Since we were early, we stopped by the Farmers Market... it was HUGE! While my boss preped for Trial, he had me go shopping for stuff for an hour... So overwhelming how many different kinds of mustard, jelly, bbq sauce, chocolate, honey etc. they had in there! He bought some goodies for all of us... See why I love my job! :) My boss is great!

We get to Kennewick, again had the worst with directions to our destination... dropped off my boss and off I go to kill time for 4 hours. :) I went shopping ( and changed into the clothes I bought cause I smelled so bad! ), had lunch by myself...went to starbucks and saw the brother of a girl I use to work with at Starbucks here in Spokane... it's a SMALL world!

4 hours go by... we head back home. Stopped back by the Farmers Market, apparently didn't buy enough he said. :) The way home was tiring, but it was a good work day! :) besides the Chicken crappy smelly me!

1 comment:

jessithompson said...

WOW - what a day! I was pretty sure I wanted your job until I read this ;)... HA!