4 pounds... 16 more to go

I'm back in the routine!  FINALLY, after such a busy unmotivating to work out end of summer... I'm working out more consistant then really ever!  2-3 times a week at the Gym with a couple of girlfriends to stay accountable with... Yoga two nights a week, mostly to help my back which it is tremendously!  Yeah!  and Soccer every Sunday night... which balances the Fun of it all.  Eating healthier, still not so great with the drinking water...but I'm trying!  :)
4 pounds lighter... still hoping to lose 16 more.  
Any great tips are always GREAT!  :)


jessithompson said...

Way to go, girl! I think one of the best tips I've learned is to 'front load' your carbs at the beginning of the day and then taper them off into the evening. I think the protein diet is a load of crap, especially for endurance athletes, but scientifically, it really makes sense to eat your carbs earlier in the day.


Ali Ty Stitt said...

Thank You Jessi! That's a great tip! mucho love babe!

Tiffany said...

Nice job, lady! I know it's hard to get back into the swing of things when you've been gone for a while, but I think having someone to hold you accountable is key! Keep up the good work!

Jen said...

Way to go!! One of these days, I'm going to come to a game!!
Love you!

Michael W. Bergquist said...

Nice work on the weight loss. It's tough to find the motivation to skip that "just a little bit more." Keep it up.

LORIE said...

It sounds like you are doing a great job. I believe in moderation. I enjoyed reading your blog. You are inspiring.