Things you just might not know about ME!

*  I'm HEARING IMPAIRED - I was born with holes in my eardrums... wore hearing aids growing up, I've have learned to read lips, but I know I still miss out on a lot of things. I cannot hear mostly HIGH pitched noises.. and with that I don't say my "S" or "CH" very well.  This is when some people think I'm from another country with an accent, or that I had pierced my tongue. I plan to learn sign language and teach my family too.  So for some this has probably answered some questions! :)
* When I was a kid I always wanted to be either be a Vetenarian or Marine Biologist - I have always loved animals... 

* I LOVE TO COOK!  I thought about going to culinary school at one point...but it just something I like to utilize at home and entertaining with friends and family!

* I am MARRIED - We met in Highschool, but from different schools, and dated on and off for 7 years... we just had our 3 year anniversary!

*My favorite band is DAVE MATTHEW's BAND and musician is Ben Harper!

* I want to have three kids... but we'll see after having one, but I'll at least have two...just don't want to have one child 

* Favorite restaurant in town... RAW!    

* My husband pretended that he dropped my engagement ring (that was still in the box)in the river over the "Bowl and Pitcher" as his proposal to me.... He's quite proud of coming up with that!  With the real ring, he actually tied it to his finger so that wouldn't really happen!  It's a story to tell... :)

* I'm the youngest child of 3 in the family... with 10 and 1 1/2 years apart....

* I played College Soccer at Spokane Falls Community College... I didn't do so well with school though... traveling 3 out of 5 days during school days, made it tough!  

* I own over 300 DVDs!  Yeah I know! but... I don't go to movie theaters, unless I know it's AMAZING to see on the BIG screen...

* I still hold the record for the fastest 100 meter dash from highschool track, almost 10 years ago!  

* I was on a swim team for 6 years... we were the mighty "Penguins"  My favorite stroke then was the butterfly, my best stroke was the backstroke. Now... hmmmm. 

* I love food, but if there is anything I'm not a big fan of is Brusslesprouts (I guess this would be common), eggplant ( unless it's cooked the right way, like breaded, but still not my favorite) and I don't care for Watermelon. (don't hate me)

* Sometimes I'm scared of the dark, especially alone in the house or outside where it's quiet or in the country. I would sometimes imagine something out to get me... Gives me the goosebumps.... 

* Something good to go with the last one... I laugh at scary movies.  :)

* I have a friend that tells jokes to make HERSELF laugh!  HEE HEE She'll love this!

* For my job I am a personal assistant, where I get paid to do stuff like his Christmas shopping and Scrapebooking in my own personal artistic way.... I love my job!

* My favorite place to shop for clothes these days.... TARGET! and REI :)

* My first job, I was a Lifegaurd - I spent all my money on movies... this is where it all started... my second job I was an assistant manager at American Eagle Outfitters - I spent all my money on clothes!  ;) Other jobs were a Nanny, Server, High School Soccer Coach and a Barista @ Starbucks!  I miss the FREE coffee!!  

* I was my highschool's Senior PROM QUEEN! 

* I use to make fun of Cheerleaders in School... sorry Cheerleaders! ;)

* I want to someday learn to play the piano again...again yes... I use to play.  and also the guitar.

* My husband and I lived in Kauai, Hawaii for about 6 months ( I was there almost 5)... It was a great experience!  

* We own two RENTAL properties.... one in the Gonzaga area and one in Cheney...  (We are always looking for potential renters)  :)

- I guess that's it for now... I got tired of writing... I'll probably add more later.
 :)  LOVES


Andy said...

Hi Ali!

This was fun to read! Almost like an ice breaker before school or camp or something like that. :)

I had wondered about the hearing thing, but never knew how to ask. I'm glad you mentioned it. I'll remember next time we talk. :) We LOVE DMB too! Unfortunately it's been a while since we went to a concert. I'll also know who to ask next time I need a movie recommendation! Looking at all the sports you did, it's no wonder you ended up doing something like triathlon!

Congratulations on your 3 year Anniversary!


jessithompson said...

I loved reading this and learned more about you - FUN! Thanks for sharing, sis!

Keith and Meghan said...

You're the best! I loved reading this post :)

Kim said...

Ali- very cool. You are my idol. Prom Queen and movie buff? Nice work! Thanks for's so enlightening to know what makes others tick it also makes me appreciate you more.


Michael W. Bergquist said...

Hey there. That was a good read and fun learning some things about you. I've been waiting for your next post.