4th with the Ladies!

I was on my own for this 4th of July... meaning that my husband went out of town and plans are all on my own. What to do? Every year I do pretty much the SAME THING...and I was not to excited about living up the same routine on this 4th, which was pretty much going back and forth from Roosevelt to Couer d'Alene and back to Roosevelt to be with family.
My friend Kelley, who wanted to join me for whatever I decided we did that night... well things didn't fall into place how I'd like so we just planned to go watch the fireworks downtown Spokane, which I think I've done once in my whole life living in Spokane. Crazy huh?!!
She invited her roommate Liz, and she planned out the idea to go watch a coverband out in the valley after the fireworks... sounds good.
We get downtown... and it was CROWDED! WOW, all of Spokane here or what! Not really smart about hauling around a blanket or chairs to sit on, so we just kept walking around to the point that we wore ourselves out before the show even started, and not to excited about the crazy crowd... we headed back to the car and out the valley for some music....
The cover band was playing at some "biker" bar called "Bolo" WAAAAAY out in the Valley... and of course who drives... "Ali, you have the nice car!" Oh geez, fine!
Well we get there and of course we get the looks up and down from all these biker dudes and gals?... and more weird looks our ways as we ordered drinks what some call "girly foo foo" drinks, and just started taking pictures and laughing and enjoying the night and singing to the '80 & '90's music that I'm pretty sure we were the only ones in the bar that knew the words to.

We played some pool.... I was not so good that night...I had one good lucky shot though! :) So not a typical night that I would have imagined out of the norm... but it was fun and always good friends to share it with makes it worth much more! The next day, Dur ( sheena) and I did head out to Roosevelt to suck up some sunshine out on the lake... did some wakeboarding and wakesurfing... oh boy I wish I got a picture of it but got a bruise on my arm the size of a softball from the ski rope.... Yikes! Hey it's a great life! Hope everyone else had a great 4th with some great friends and family too!


Tiffany said...

Looks like fun! Glad you were able to make the most of the 4th even with your hubby out of town! I love the thought of all the bikers staring at you ladies as you walked into the bar!

Michael W. Bergquist said...

Bikers staring at a group of women walking into a bar ... hmmm ... now that's certainly odd and unexpected :0). Perhaps your husband will think twice before he leaves you alone of the fourth.