Training and Tri-Fusion

I have joined an awesome team Tri-Fusion that has fulfilled alot of what I have hoped for so far.  Like having people to workout with and meeting amazing people of so many different levels and personalities.  I am starting to really get comfortable with showing up to more workouts and learning more about my body and  what works for me. My goals to being a triathlete is to stay in shape, lose the rest of the weight that I have started to lose last summer, and be the athlete I have been all my life.  I want to be a healthy, fit mother when I have kids soon down the road and have something that works to my schedule of being a wife and having a busy work and outside life schedule...  it's flexible, and having Tri-Fusion is so many open door opportunities to keep me motivated and excited about my training and improving....

The BLT workouts have been my favorites so far....  I love the route and love that there are so many people who come out for this!  Even when it rains... I actually love riding in the rain! :)

I hate and love this picture... let me explain why I look so ridiculous!  I was acting like a seal... clapping my wetsuit together...I look ridiculous, I have to act ridiculous and yes I was making noise, but in my head... weird huh!  Of course Sheena, the photogenic girl acting all cool... that's our friend Sam, who did his first Triathlon ever at the Trailblazer... did awesome!!  
This was my first swim workout in a wetsuit... and my first time swimming all season... I did not know what I was up for, the water was still a little chilly, but I was loving the wetsuit! :)  Makes sense to me now!!! 
I have forgotten how much I love swimming... I was on a swim team with the Spokane Club for 6 years when I was in Elementary/Middle school years.  And getting back out there was like riding a bike.  Things came familiar and comfortable to me again... since then I have made it more a part of my workout like I should, and have made numerous drives out to the Northside OZ for late swims, and loving it more!  :)  


Sheena (DUR) said...

So I looked closer at that picture of you, Sam and I and it is freakin' HILARIOUS! What did that noise sound like?

Tiffany said...

I'm with you on the Tri Fusion workouts. They are so great and everyone who shows up is awesome and so willing to help with anything. It's a pretty awesome club. I'm pumped that you joined! :)

I have definitely acted like a seal when putting my wet suit on, too! It's kind of hard not to!

Michael W. Bergquist said...

Way to go at the Trailblazer. It's rewarding to beat a goal, but more rewarding to simply have a great time. It was fun to watch the race, but frustrating to not be in it. I enjoy watching new racers to see if I can pick up a tip that I've never thought of. I don't think I'll try pinching some girl's butt during the run. Water isn't my favorite either, but I like it more when it's ice cold. You could also try putting a diluted sports drink in there, which gives it some flavor. As for the transitions, I try to think of a line from the Navy Seals. "Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. Fast is speed. Speed kills."

jessithompson said...

I have loved getting to know you this year, Ali! You have a heart of gold and a shining personality. I'm always excited to see you... it's been so fun getting to know you a bit better. Looking forward to more great times!