Trailblazer '08

My second triathlon EVER and the first of the season!  I got my nerves worked up pretty good with this race.  Well, I get nervous about absolutely anything, starting the race at 1:00pm was kinda hard for me... cause I had way too much time to think about it.  So feeling sick to my stomach, like I do when I get nervous about things, I could just not get my stuff together or stay focused at all.  To top it off, there were quite a few friends there to watch, and that gets me more nervous.  NERVOUS NERVOUS NERVOUS!  get it?  
Oh gosh, what's the big's like another workout, just relax and do it.... time came for all of us to get on the truck to head over to the start point... I did not think I had it all together, but here we go.  Megan and I hoped on the truck and suffered our wetsuits on.  Ugh... so HOT!!! :)

The swim was tough for me... I did not have any energy ( i know my nutrition was off, and most likely dehydrated)  I felt heavy and my lung capacity was small...I could not breathe at all... but I tried to just relax... breathed slowly out and reached long on every stroke and kept going.  I ended up kicking Megan in the head... she got mad at me, cause I stopped to see if she was ok.  I got kicked in my first Tri, and it hurt so bad, so I just wanted to make sure I didn't kill her... :)  As I got closer to the ramp out... I started to see so many familiar faces, like my mom and my neighbor, and great friends cheering me on... and instead of it making me nervous, it gave me a great boost of energy... so I got out, with Tim and Andy giving me a hand up the ramp, Thank YOU! and kicked it into gear for the bike....
In transition, I had a hard time getting anything on... I was to much in a rush.  This will only be an improvement I will have to learn over time in races... 
The bike was good for me... I do this route as my normal training, so I had a good feel for it, and this day I was a lot faster in pace then I have ever been.  I passed a lot of people, except this one guy who kinda drove me crazy.... he would pass me and then slow down, I would pass him keeping the same speed most of the way, then he would pass me again and slow down.... geez, ok, I'd pass him again and this went on for about the last 5 miles of the course... I guess I can say it was somewhat entertaining, I could only laugh everytime it happened....
turned that last corner though and decided for fun to just smoke him, and I did!!! ;)
Getting in for the next transition... I had major cramps in the legs...( I know it's because of dehydration, but I just HATE water!   bad I know! but I'm working on it )  so getting my shoes on and off, without flexing my calves was causing my transition to be slower then ever.... oh well.  Got it all on and ran the first stretch of the course like I had a stick up my butt, cause my calves were so tight and pulsing like a heartbeat, I round the corner and stretch a good 30 seconds, so I didn't suffer and injure the rest of the race.
I get halfway through the course of the run and my pace was picking up to normal, I got to Sheena who was in front of me and gave her a good surprising pinch in the butt and finished strong...
My goal was 1:15:00, I got 1:14:27 YES!!!... with nothing to really compare it to, I was pretty happy... now I just have to get my nutrition figured out so I don't feel so yucky before a race and learn to love WATER!! :)  So suggestions and tools muchly appreciated!  
This was my first real race with some of the Tri-Fusion club members... it was fun to see so many people there and enjoying this race.  I look forward to racing with them more often!  Thanks for all the cheering and helping me up the ramps! (Tim and Andy!!)  Your faces being spread out throughout the event was exciting... made me nervous, but it's so AWESOME to be a part of a great supporting club!  
Thanks to so many great friends to travel out and watch the race and my mom, who has had a real hard time understanding what a Triathlon is, she has always enjoyed watching me compete in sports... she really enjoyed being able to do this again... so that was a special moment for the both of us.  Thanks to my hubby, Tyler for taking the time and energy to take pictures and support me through this day!  Loves!  
NEXT race.... Valley Girl... the first Triathlon I've ever done... I have big goals for this one!  :)


Sheena (DUR) said...

Awesome job, Bubbs! I didn't know you had a goal in mind for this one...I didn't and I wish I had! The pinch was a nice touch...oh, that didn't sound right. What I mean is, it gave me a boost! Can I have that every time?

Andy said...

Nice job at the race! It was fun helping everybody up the ramps...even though we got a little wet and muddy. :)

I'm like you, I get really nervous before races. I love having people there to cheer, but I think it makes me more nervous. Not sure how to get over that, other than to keep racing.

Have you ever tried flavoring your water? You can get the packets that are made for water bottles (Crystal Light, Propel, etc) or you can cut up some lemons or limes and put them in the water. You can even freeze the lemons and limes and they will help keep your water cool. I get tired of just plain water so ever now and then I will add something to make it taste better.

Ali Ty Stitt said...

Thanks Andy - I have tried those drinking propel and crystal light...etc. those things are good! To good, it's unreal! I guess I'm just trying not to rely on that from drinking regular water that I am bad at doing! :( Thanks for the tip...I like the idea of freezing the lemons... I hate warm water!
Look forward to racing with you sometime! Loves

Tiffany said...

Nice job, Ali! Way to make your goal! That is awesome!

I can so relate to you with the whole nervous stomach thing! Happens to me every time I race. I try to tell my self the same thing you do - that it's just another work out - but that doesn't work so well! Way to push through the nerves and have a great race!

I love that you came up on Sheena and pinched her butt! Wish I could have seen the look on her face! :)

As for the water issue, I LOVE Talking Rain. It's carbonated, which might turn you off at first, but give it a shot and you might like it. It's also completely naturally flavored and has no calories unlike other flavored waters. I really like the lemon lime and the tangerine. They have plain too which is really good by itself or with some fresh lime slices. Yum!

Congrats again on a great race and way to smoke that guy! He was obviously having some issues with a girl out-biking him! ;)

Steve said...

Great job on pushing through all the nerves. Those will eventually get less and less. Way to finish strong and fight through the energy issue.

There are always supplements like GU20 and HEED. They have many flavors and will provide some extra calories.

Good luck at Valley Girl.