Things you just might not know about ME!

*  I'm HEARING IMPAIRED - I was born with holes in my eardrums... wore hearing aids growing up, I've have learned to read lips, but I know I still miss out on a lot of things. I cannot hear mostly HIGH pitched noises.. and with that I don't say my "S" or "CH" very well.  This is when some people think I'm from another country with an accent, or that I had pierced my tongue. I plan to learn sign language and teach my family too.  So for some this has probably answered some questions! :)
* When I was a kid I always wanted to be either be a Vetenarian or Marine Biologist - I have always loved animals... 

* I LOVE TO COOK!  I thought about going to culinary school at one point...but it just something I like to utilize at home and entertaining with friends and family!

* I am MARRIED - We met in Highschool, but from different schools, and dated on and off for 7 years... we just had our 3 year anniversary!

*My favorite band is DAVE MATTHEW's BAND and musician is Ben Harper!

* I want to have three kids... but we'll see after having one, but I'll at least have two...just don't want to have one child 

* Favorite restaurant in town... RAW!    

* My husband pretended that he dropped my engagement ring (that was still in the box)in the river over the "Bowl and Pitcher" as his proposal to me.... He's quite proud of coming up with that!  With the real ring, he actually tied it to his finger so that wouldn't really happen!  It's a story to tell... :)

* I'm the youngest child of 3 in the family... with 10 and 1 1/2 years apart....

* I played College Soccer at Spokane Falls Community College... I didn't do so well with school though... traveling 3 out of 5 days during school days, made it tough!  

* I own over 300 DVDs!  Yeah I know! but... I don't go to movie theaters, unless I know it's AMAZING to see on the BIG screen...

* I still hold the record for the fastest 100 meter dash from highschool track, almost 10 years ago!  

* I was on a swim team for 6 years... we were the mighty "Penguins"  My favorite stroke then was the butterfly, my best stroke was the backstroke. Now... hmmmm. 

* I love food, but if there is anything I'm not a big fan of is Brusslesprouts (I guess this would be common), eggplant ( unless it's cooked the right way, like breaded, but still not my favorite) and I don't care for Watermelon. (don't hate me)

* Sometimes I'm scared of the dark, especially alone in the house or outside where it's quiet or in the country. I would sometimes imagine something out to get me... Gives me the goosebumps.... 

* Something good to go with the last one... I laugh at scary movies.  :)

* I have a friend that tells jokes to make HERSELF laugh!  HEE HEE She'll love this!

* For my job I am a personal assistant, where I get paid to do stuff like his Christmas shopping and Scrapebooking in my own personal artistic way.... I love my job!

* My favorite place to shop for clothes these days.... TARGET! and REI :)

* My first job, I was a Lifegaurd - I spent all my money on movies... this is where it all started... my second job I was an assistant manager at American Eagle Outfitters - I spent all my money on clothes!  ;) Other jobs were a Nanny, Server, High School Soccer Coach and a Barista @ Starbucks!  I miss the FREE coffee!!  

* I was my highschool's Senior PROM QUEEN! 

* I use to make fun of Cheerleaders in School... sorry Cheerleaders! ;)

* I want to someday learn to play the piano again...again yes... I use to play.  and also the guitar.

* My husband and I lived in Kauai, Hawaii for about 6 months ( I was there almost 5)... It was a great experience!  

* We own two RENTAL properties.... one in the Gonzaga area and one in Cheney...  (We are always looking for potential renters)  :)

- I guess that's it for now... I got tired of writing... I'll probably add more later.
 :)  LOVES

Coming soon!

Coming soon... another Blog for my husband Tyler and I - family etc. For those who know Tyler and want to see a little more of him... and not all about me!  :)
Check it out -  


Back to the first Triathlon I have ever done, first time last year in '07... here's a short recap on that race... I didn't know what to expect at all for this race, but I was going for it.  When I did, in the swim, doing so great staying ahead of the pack, just minutes in I got a good hard kick in the back of the head and then right back again in the face... I had swallowed so much water and had to get onto a kayak to grasp my breath and my head... and remember getting an instant headache.  I wasn't even around the first booey... but I got myself together and decided I was going to finish and just started doing the breaststroke the rest of the way in... with the rest of the race I just had a massive headache, but finished strong... people were thinking I would fear another tri...but here I am...
This year.... I really wanted to do this race as having a race to have done twice and compare to. So I was excited to have picked up Allison Barr's slot. (Thank you!) Getting to race day, I was very nervous with a BIG slap on the hand I did not train like I should have.  Just one BIG excuse.. I was playing to much, life happens! and I guess I can say I talk myself out of training to easily by myself!  So a little EXTRA nervous about this race.... YOU BET!  But I knew I wasn't going to die... just really hoping that it would be fun and just get through it comfortably.  I was only dissapointed to not go in with a goal to PR on this race, but just finish strong and again have fun!  
The Best thing about this race by far.... is having so many great people there to race with!  I just loved having Trish, Jen, Christine and Sara there to get all nervous with or just to hang out with so early in the morning, and meeting more Tri-Fusion memebers... they were great with words of encouragement and motivation that this was going to be a good day!  
Getting up to the water for the start of the race... I got way more then nervous, seeing that the swim was a little longer then the year before ... and not swimming in open water with out a wetsuit yet... Oh geez!  Followed Trish and Jen up to the water as they both took off for it along with the whole crowd... I hung back and did the breaststroke for awhile looking for a pocket to get into away from the "Kicking Feet"!!  I guess I did still have that fear. ; / 
The crowd broke fast and I found that pocket and started my stroke and felt great.. before I knew it I was at the first corner, feeling great I went a little harder and within about the last 50 yrds. I saw the first swimmer Haley Cooper get out of the water... HUH?  am I that far up?  sweet... so I finished strong and got into the transition area to find so many bikes still up and  feeling great... feeling a little competitive I'm not going to lie!  Get up to the mounting area and didn't see, but I heard cheering all of us girls as we mounted the same time, Jen, Trish and I... the cheersquad - Jessi, Roger, Emma, Natalie, Greg, Tiffany and Steve!  Thanks for the boost of  excitement... I was ready for the bike... and what more do I get, my MOM made it to the race as she was just up the hill a little bit yelling and running down the road at the same time cheering me on strong!  Thanks MOM for getting up so early to drive so far again to cheer me on!

The Bike was great... It was a little slow at first just trying to warm up, but I stayed at a good pace... Jen had passed me pretty early in the bike, I kept her as an advantage to stick with her, and found myself pacing to pass her. One of the best part was at the turn around, seeing a pack of girls riding in... push a little harder to keep them from catching up... again a little more competitiveness in me... at the last turn around, there was Jen pushing her butt and passed me again... all I could think at that moment was "YOU GO GIRL!" 
I get to the last stretch... seeing my mother at a distance not paying attention... she was helping the volunteers do something... so I yelled at her.  Didn't want her to miss me, cause then she would have been wondering where I was.... Funny!  Yelling at my mom on the sidelines, while I'm racing... never would have thought.
I mount off the bike to again the enjoyment of the cheersquad and oh man, what scared the crap out of me for a second the BULL HORN... Thanks Rog!  Thanks for the warning that I was going to get ran over by a biker behind me... and yeah... You guys ROCK!
Caught up with Jen as she was taking off for the run in T2... that's the last I will see of her... she's FAST!
I start my run, and I was cramping as usual in my calves, I took it real slow at the beginning.  I was getting passed a lot and no sense of motivation to push from there... I was hurting.  About mile 2 my right knee started to hurt.  This is not uncommon, but only happens so few often... It's pretty much not uncommon that something always hurts when I run.  So motivation on this one was to be done...and that was what pushed me to stay at a pace and to just finish ASAP but comfortably.
I finished... besides the run... the race was a success for me, and really gives me another kick in the butt to see what I can really do, if I trained properly and did what I needed to do to improve... I know I would do better.  But I'm also very happy to be able to be staying active in any way no matter what it is... from wakeboarding, volleyball, hiking, riding my bike etc.  I love the rewarding feeling of being active and the atmosphere of people and sports!  
Thanks so much to Jen, Sara and Trish for the most encouragment and warm feelings and smiles before the race... it was really fun to be there hanging out with you all!  And all did such an Awesome JOB!  Many of you PR big time and just had a great race.  So cheers to that!  

Thank you Phaedra for taking photos and encouraging words before the race!  It was great to see your beautiful excitement for all of us!  Thanks the Cheersquad Phaedra, Jessi, Roger, Greg, Natalie, Emma, Steve and Tiff!! for all the awesome cheering and coming so far out be be at every moment of our race to cheer, take pictures and give us hugs!  You are Family with lots of love to spread for many!  Your cheering is like taking a gel... one big burst of LOVING energy! haha that sounded kinda cheesy! but it's true!!

MANY thanks to my mom coming out by herself on her day off so early in the morning, so far away from home to cheer me on!  Like the old days... my biggest FAN!  Since she enjoyed helping the volunteers... get her to volunteer next year, if not doing the Triathlon herself... she was pondering it. :)

So my time - I did PR... last year was 1:23:53 this year I did beat it and got 1:20:59 - 12 th in AG and 88th overall - pretty happy with that!  :)
Signing up next year?!  You bet!  I Love this race... It's worth the $bucks$!


I have to talk about one of the best days of fun I've had in a LONG time!
It started at 9am for a bike ride on the BLT loop (tri-fusion, Bike Loop Tuesday loop) up north with two awesome chicks, Jen and Trish. I haven't been doing any training and couldn't make the later BLT loop that day so, I dedicated myself to get up there and join them. Knowing I had a Race that sunday, it was well needed and a great ride! Thanks Girls...sorry Trish you didn't feel all that hot, especially after working out for an 1 1/2 hours swimming... dang girl!
From there I went to get a little work done..... oh for maybe a half hour..... and then off to the river with some great friends to hang out on the little spokane...
Here they wanted to get creative for Aaron's album cover, and here's what they came up with... a creepy guy in the meadow watching over a chill crowd sunbathing... hmmmm. it was funny and got a good silly kick out of it!
The BEAUTIFUL ladies... Me, Jess and Kell! Love these girls!

Me thinking... should I be following these guys out into the middle of nowhere??? Hmmmmmm.....
We walked through grass up to our shoulders... and up river...FuN!
Sweet Kelley and I staying cool in the river!
Our music with some shoes to dry...
Team RIVER Tuesday! Don't mess!
So spending a few hours there it was time for me to head out by myself to join a crew of other friends at the Maxwell house for some sand volleyball. It was a bit of a crowded night... for some intense games, that we played on and off for 5 hours! Yeah baby! So it's 11pm and I head back to the office to work on a few more things for work and get home about 1230am... What a day!
I wish I could say I would do this everyday... but man was I pooped out! But it was such a great day... I get to boast about it! Thanks everyone for such a awesome day! Loves!

4th with the Ladies!

I was on my own for this 4th of July... meaning that my husband went out of town and plans are all on my own. What to do? Every year I do pretty much the SAME THING...and I was not to excited about living up the same routine on this 4th, which was pretty much going back and forth from Roosevelt to Couer d'Alene and back to Roosevelt to be with family.
My friend Kelley, who wanted to join me for whatever I decided we did that night... well things didn't fall into place how I'd like so we just planned to go watch the fireworks downtown Spokane, which I think I've done once in my whole life living in Spokane. Crazy huh?!!
She invited her roommate Liz, and she planned out the idea to go watch a coverband out in the valley after the fireworks... sounds good.
We get downtown... and it was CROWDED! WOW, all of Spokane here or what! Not really smart about hauling around a blanket or chairs to sit on, so we just kept walking around to the point that we wore ourselves out before the show even started, and not to excited about the crazy crowd... we headed back to the car and out the valley for some music....
The cover band was playing at some "biker" bar called "Bolo" WAAAAAY out in the Valley... and of course who drives... "Ali, you have the nice car!" Oh geez, fine!
Well we get there and of course we get the looks up and down from all these biker dudes and gals?... and more weird looks our ways as we ordered drinks what some call "girly foo foo" drinks, and just started taking pictures and laughing and enjoying the night and singing to the '80 & '90's music that I'm pretty sure we were the only ones in the bar that knew the words to.

We played some pool.... I was not so good that night...I had one good lucky shot though! :) So not a typical night that I would have imagined out of the norm... but it was fun and always good friends to share it with makes it worth much more! The next day, Dur ( sheena) and I did head out to Roosevelt to suck up some sunshine out on the lake... did some wakeboarding and wakesurfing... oh boy I wish I got a picture of it but got a bruise on my arm the size of a softball from the ski rope.... Yikes! Hey it's a great life! Hope everyone else had a great 4th with some great friends and family too!